Transform your Tee Biz!!

How graphic tee makers just like you are taking it to the next level

Tired of spinning your wheels chasing the next holiday trend?

Feel like it's a race to the bottom everywhere you sell?

Finding yourself in this cycle of sales then overwhelmed because only you can get the orders out the door?

Turn your 't-shirt job' into a leveled up graphic apparel and print business.

I remember the night I was printing in our basement at 3am. My daughter was sitting on the steps watching me. I had been standing on the concrete for HOURS I wasn't sure how to get the orders printed and ready for tomorrow.

We were stuck in this weird spot.

Some of it mindset some of it ..... I don't know maybe just plain old fear.

I looked at her and said ok this is it.

We either have to scale and take this business to the next level or we have to slow down, scale back, and do less business, because we can't be in this middle of never ending work any more.

Long story short, we made the decision to go all in and make it happen.

Like a whirwind afer making that decision we went from our house (we had totally taken it over you literally couldn't walk in our living room.) to a 4000 square foot warehouse.

I remember I sent my friend Donna a photo when we had moved everything to the shop.

She said Holy Cow! Now I know when Mae says 'it's time' that it's actually way past time for most people.

Donna was blown away by how much there was to move from our home to the warehouse.

When you look at this picture though, you can see.

Our home was no longer a home but a print shop. (this photo was every day, not part of the move we could not walk)

I couldnt believe how long I had waited or how much stress I had caused being afraid of taking the next step.

Maybe your thinking ok Mae sure. Moving to a big warehouse. That's the way to level up.

No! That's probably the absolute last thing you should do.

The key here is we made a decision. We had to decide we were going to level up not down. And in making this decision my mindshift changed and I could see the truth about the business.

I knew we couldnt possibly do any more production on our own.

We had tees coming out of our ears and literally could not cook in our house for fear it would cause our tees to smell like what we had for dinner. (yeah pretty crazy)

All I knew was we had to get serious and scale or fall back.

Yes, the move increased our efficiency instantly we brought on more team members AND we could stop having so many PB&J sandwiches for dinner.

But the life changing thing that happened was the knowledge I gained in that time.

Making the decision to scale (and not just have a 100 hour a week job) created opportunities I hadn't know about before.

Working with contract decorators, obtaining large contracts, working with other professionals in the industry.

All of this 'inside printer information' I hadn't had time to fully digest before.

I was too busy making sure our tees didn't smell like fried chicken 🙄

I hadn't realized my small thinking was keeping our business well, small.

We started leveraging this newfound knowledge to speed our growth and increase profits.

No more chasing the lastest holidays or printing at 3am.

We devoured the newest decorating techniques, found trusted suppliers and learned a whole new world.

A world where we didn't have to do everything on our own. A world where the extra time could be spent marketing, developing new products, building relationships with industry specialists, and you know having dinner. 😎

And you know what was really crazy we were actually making more on items not less even when someone else helped make them.

Can you imagine?

Having the knowledge to instantly know if a job should be done in house or if you should use a trusted partner.

Expanding your product line by 1000s of products without having to invest in new equipment or make it yourself (and no this is not print on demand)

Always having an opportunity to increase your avearge order by bundling with products you can't currently produce.

Space to have dinner (at your own dinner table) and the orders still going out on time.

Getting an order for 100 single color tees and knowing you can create those for less than $15 decoration cost. Yes I am saying that 100 tees could put $800-$1000 in your pocket. Or even better having the option for someone other than you to do the printing with near the same profit!

What if you could learn new decorating techniques as well and add more options to your offerings.

Options with a much faster production speed so you're making 75-100 shirts an hour?

Now that you are making 75+ shirts an hour. What if you hire?

And what if all of this created space for you to

Build an audience

Learn marketing strategies

Build your actual business not just make another job for yourself. A business that operates outside of you.

And space so you don't find yourself crying in the basement at 3am saying something has to give (yeah I was crying silently but there were tears)

Whether you want to make tees for the team, start a print-on-demand empire,

or something in between you are in the right place.

The print industry is BOOMING. It isn't going anywhere. In fact there are more tools to help you AND more opportunity to be successful than ever before!

The print industry may not be going anywhere....But you know what is?

LONG GONE are the days of the old folks with $100 thousand dollar presses and big dusty warehouses being the only ones to make money in the print world.

LONG GONE are the days that kept anyone without a trust fund from cashing in on the $25 BILLION + decorated apparel industry.

What the heck does this mean to you?

There's $25 Billion Dollars annually (and growing) in decorated apparel sales up for grabs.

It's time for you to get yours!

The Secret To Graphic Tees:

Ensure Every Move You Make Will Lead To More Sales, More Profit, And More FUN!

There's a $25 Billion + market for decorated apparel, and it's not going anywhere.

I want to show you how to set up your own print shop today so you can have your own slice of this (very delicious) pie.

What are Graphic Tee Academy students saying?

“Best decision I've ever made in my business is to join GTA.”

Best decision I’ve ever made in my business is join Mae Cee GTA Academy. Although I can never be on any of the calls I listen to every single replay and have learned so much from Mae’s wealth of knowledge! I appreciate so much how you care so deeply about each one us and are so willing to help push us to that next level!

Karen Sennikoff

Owner of Trendznmore

The average Disney vacation costs around $5000 (or more) so my first question is, have you done the math?








If you’re dropping $5000 on this vacation, that’s $62 you’re spending every hour.

Here's the real scoop on what it's like to have a graphic tee shop:

You’re paying Disney World nearly $500 a day to deal with logistics that turn most children into micro-monsters.

If there's one thing I know, it's all the big questions that would-be tee sellers have:

After a 12 hour day, I raced to the bus stop and JUST missed the bus and had to wait 30 minutes at midnight for the next one.

Even though we secured a coveted fastpass for Avatar, it happened to overflow right into our dinner reservation and we missed our chance to eat with the characters.

Arriving at our hotel after a long flight, we wandered around the resort for 3 hours waiting to check in!

We could never get good seating for any of the shows, fireworks, or parades. My husband tried to put our kids on his shoulder but they ended up fighting over who got more time and we definitely pissed off people around us.

It’s NO WONDER people worry about the cost of their trip and is it going to be worth it.

Does starting your print shop feel like a huge risk?


who wants to bet their savings on a BUSINESS with so many possible PROBLEMS?

  • WORRY #1: Not knowing what products are good enough to sell & feeling like you don't know how to find them.

  • Worry #2: Not knowing what people will like & facing a bunch of refunds (ouch!)

  • Worry #3: Not knowing how to produce the goods & what the best printing methods are for which things

  • Worry #4: Not knowing what equipment to buy (not to mention how to use & maintain it)

  • Worry #5: Not knowing how to sell your stuff & lowkey hating social media, especially as a place to sell stuff

  • Worry #6: Not knowing how to manage inventory... or whether to do drop-shipping... or Print-On-Demand... or anything

Well... I've got some good news for you.

You know that phrase "everything is figure-out-able"?

Yeah. That includes tee print shops.

I know, because I've figured it all out. And now I want to help you!


The moment you find the PERFECT souvenir

The delicious cool Dole Whip after riding Pirates

Look, I know there are things in life that feel like a huge risk with no guarantee of success of payoff.

But your print shop doesn't have to be one of those things.

I've been selling online since the dinosaurs were roaming the earth, and I first opened my graphic tee shop back in 2019.

Since then, I've made all the mistakes. I've tried all the stuff. I've figured it out. And now I'm sitting on a business that's sold 7+ figures I can run with my mostly-grown kids.

All because I took a chance.

Now it's your turn to take a chance... only you will be facing a lot less risk than I did! Because you will have my help every step of the way.

This print business set my whole family on a path of successful entrepreneurship, creative expression, and autonomy... and now I want to help you do the same for you and yours!

PayPal & Payplans Available Start Today with $97!

Let's Fire up the Heat Press and roll up our custom embroidered sleeves for

Graphic Tee Academy

Start a print business you LOVE with the time-tested, step-by-step "business in a box" system for anyone who's ready to start their "tee-commerce" business. From print-on-demand to making your own we cover it all!

Perfect for shops and sellers of all sizes!

At-home parentsCareer changersEstablished e-commerce shopsFirst-time online sellersPrint On Demand Semi-retired Personal brands Creatives & artists

“Exactly what I needed to get started and build our graphic tee business.”

AMAZING!! Exactly what I needed to get started and build our graphic tee business. The support and encouragement has been so good and helped me step by step along the way. Mae Cee and her team are rockstars!

Stephanie Massey

owner of jolly oliver

What will Graphic Tee Academy do for you?

Inside the Course I'll give you My best advice To:

  • Select the best products to bring your ideas to life... you know, the ones your customers will LOVE

  • Decide which equipment and production styles will work best for you in your current circumstances POD, make your own, hire a printer (and show you what you could aspire to!)

  • Establish your business the right way, right from the start, with expert advice from a reputable CPA who's helped many million-dollar businesses get off the ground

  • Secure the integrity of your designs by protecting them from IP theft... using legal advice from a legal expert in the industry

  • Demystify the process of selling your stuff online, so you can lean into the marketing that's enjoyable for you and leave all the rest behind

  • Transform your creative ideas into an income-generating business you can run from your own home (no warehouse necessary!)

  • Know that your dollars are being spent on a business that will add some fun to your days while paying for itself in the process... and possibly changing your life!

And here's the best part:

I'm applying the cost of your Tee Tok Workshop ticket

to the purchase price.

That means YOU get the best current deal that exists for GTA, outside of open enrollment on this page only!

“I no longer have all my eggs in the Etsy basket.”

OMG I think I'm going to be sick as I just went live with my Shopify page. It's been on my to do list since August, but I never got it done because I just didn't understand the ins and outs of how to move it from Pattern to Shopify. THANK YOU Mae Cee for the fabulous Shopify class. Because of your patience and teachings, I no longer have all my eggs in the Etsy basket. I learned so much that I went ahead and pulled the trigger. I still have a lot of items to add, but it's LIVE!!

Ellen Rivers

Owner of Our Ranch Life Shop


What’s Inside Graphic Tee Academy?



How to set up your Tee print business

Module 1: Where to start

There's a lot that goes into setting up your graphic tee business. Let me guide you through the first steps. We'll cover everything from deciding to make your own or POD to biz set up and getting (and keeping) your head in the game.


  • Pros & Cons of Print On Demand and make your own

  • Mindset - why it matters. Training from Mindset coach to 7 & 8 + figure entrepreneurs

  • Deeper understanding of what goes into running your shop, no matter how big or small from your first tee to thousands!



How to make all the decisions about apparel

Module 2: Apparel

Sometimes deciding the best tee for the job is more dependent on the design than anything else. This module will show you all the ins and outs for making the right apparel choices for your designs and decorations. We will definitely be playing with mockups. I'll also show you my favorite color cards and introduce you to the best suppliers.


  • You'll understand how & where to find the right apparel for your designs

  • I'm also giving you my simple inventory tracker to help you manage your inventory



How to get great designs from your ideas

Module 3: Design

A graphic tee shop is nothing without great design, and many (if not all!) of your designs will be the products of your own creativity. In this module, I'll show you how to capture and organize all your design ideas, including tips for placement. I'll also give you my system for tracking new products from "first idea" to "ready to market" so I can know the status of every design at a glance. PLUS, I'll show you how to create your designs using Canva, Kittl, and PhotoPea.


  • Having ALL the designs even when you feel you aren't 'creative'

  • Tutorials for using popular design software & creating mockups



How to make all the decisions about apparel

Module 4: Marketing, Selling, & Shipping

Once your shirts are prepped and ready, it's time to start selling! I'll show you how to sell using all kinds of methods... wholesale, drop-shipping, bulk production, print-on-demand, selling on third-party sites like Etsy and TikTok, email marketing, social media, all the things.


  • You'll understand how & where to market your products



All The extras... from the experts

Bonus 1: Expert Q&As

Keep your business current and on the up-and-up with a collection of guest speaker sessions to help you take control of some of the most challenging parts of managing your shop. Taxes. Email marketing. Mindset. Licensing. Pinterest. Etsy. Finances. These are just SOME of the expert talks waiting for you inside GTA.

And, this collection is always growing. You get 6 months access with the option to extend!



industry connections... without the headaches

Bonus 2: Supplies, Suppliers, & Vendors

I'm sharing all my favorites with you: my preferred vendor list, my go-to suppliers, and some of the actual tools of the trade that make wholesaling and managing inventory a lotttttt easier.



shortcut the creativity process

Bonus 3: Design & Mockup Bank

Want to give a design a test-run before you invest any time or energy into the creative process? Use any of the dozens of designs, freely available to GTA members. These ready-to-go designs and mockups will have you ready to sell in no time... and proving to yourself how much fun this whole graphic tee shop really can be.



get access to everything!

Bonus 4: Replays Galore!

I often run challenges, workshops, and special one-off training inside GTA depending on what my members need. And guess what? All those replays still live inside the support group. You'll have unlimited access to all this add-on material, with a 6 month membership to our support content when you join! Also includes a bunch of coaching call and q&a replays so you can drink from the firehose any time you want with 6 months membership to the support community with the option to renew as a paid member after!



the best of all! Live training more like group coaching!

Bonus 5: Live weekly training!

GTA Live live training broadcast to the member only support group weekly YES! Every week you will have live training where we walk through the course and focus on business growth! All training takes place in the member support group in Facebook OR you can join the zoom for direct access to ask questions and comment in real time! This training is then organized in guides inside the member group for easy access whenever you need it. No endless searching for answers you can't find! Your enrollment comes with 6 months access to the member support group, the replays, and the live zoom! With the option to renew after.




Bonus 1: Transportation Wizardry

Disney World is 55 square miles, nearly the same size as San Francisco! That means that you want to know exactly the route you need to take without wasting time. We’ll show you all the tricks that the books won’t tell you about,
including using alternate routes with the Skyliner, boats, and bus system.

Let's Fire up the Heat Press and roll up our custom embroidered sleeves for

Graphic Tee Academy

Start a graphic tee business you LOVE with the time-tested, step-by-step "business in a box" system for anyone who's ready to start their "tee-commerce" business.

  • Print methods, equipment, decoration , how to choose Value: $497

  • Choosing the right apparel for your designs Value: $997

  • Bringing your designs to life from start to finish Value: $997

  • Marketing & shipping your tees (including wholesale) Value: $997

  • BONUS Expert advice Value: $697

  • BONUS Vendor lists Value: $197

  • BONUS Design bank Value: $997

  • BONUS Allllll the replays Value: $1997



Today's Price = ONLY $997

Payplans and PayPay Available

Start today for as little as $97!

“I will end the month doing well over $20k in sales! This is only my 4th month in business!”

I know I have been MIA for awhile now but just wanted to take a moment today and let you know how grateful I am for your course and information! I will end the month of January doing well over $20k in sales!!!! This is only my fourth month in business! It's crazy! I would have never accomplished this much in this timeframe without you and your course! I am grateful!!!! I'm excited to see what the next few months will look like!

Heidi DeWald

Owner of Claire & Belle

My Mae Don't Play Promise

  • If you take this course, open your shop, and decide you hate the whole thing, you deserve your money back.

  • If you stay stuck in self-doubt, tech issues, or vendor hell, we will issue you a refund - no questions asked.

Simply send us an email at [email protected] within 7 days of your purchase and we’ll happily give you your money back!

Your Money Well Spent


Many people can only afford to go to Disney once every couple of years, so you’ll want to

Plus, unless you’re accustomed to planning this type of trip, there’s a lot you don’t know that you don’t know. By the time you get there, it’s too late!

All of the best restaurants and rides will be booked, and your choices will be either to wait in super long lines, or miss the experience altogether. #sadface

The small investment in Once Upon A Day will ensure you’re not going to miss anything you truly want to do!

Let’s Sprinkle Some Pixie Dust On Your Next Vacation With Our New Course

Once Upon A Magical Day

Enjoy a memorable, stress free trip you’ll be talking about for years to come with the ‘Mickey Tested’,

step-by-step planning system for families that want to make the most of their vacation.

  • Main offering example highlighting inclusions Two Value: $997

  • Main offering example highlighting inclusions Three Value: $997

  • Main offering example highlighting inclusions Four Value: $997

  • Main offering example highlighting inclusions Five Value: $997

  • Bonus Offering Example One Value: $997

  • Bonus Offering Example Two Value: $997



Today's Price = ONLY $$$

Have any questions?

How is all this information delivered? When can I access it? How long do I get to have it?

All the material is delivered via Teachable. You'll receive a login from Teachable where you can access the members area.

The lessons are a combination of video and text, with transcripts as well.

You get unlimited access to the course modules in Teachable-- it never expires and you have no deadlines.

Member support group - Live training is broadcast to the member support group in Facebook and Zoom access is offered. Then the replays are posted in the active members replay area. You will have access for 6 months and then have the option to renew for a monthly or annual fee. There is no obligation to renew.

Will this give me everything I need or will I need other items?

In order to create items yourself in your own print shop, you will need a commercial heat press. BUT. You do not have to have one right away. That said, I do suggest getting one when you can, AND there are a lot of options.

We talk about this at length in Graphic Tee Academy And have some experts [like Jared with Heat Press Nation] come in and share his favorites as well. * Note if you are starting with or staying with POD you do NOT need a heat press.

Items like blank apparel, transfers, and some software - like website or mockup costs should be expected BUT I teach from the approach of starting slow and working with what you have.

In terms of "knowledge" you should have everything you need in Graphic Tee Academy.

“A really strong testimonial that confirms the transformation that is waiting for them.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam et dui congue, congue urna in, sollicitudin est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Jane Awesome

Owner of (Business Here)

Are you ready to dive in and do this thing?

I remember what it was like to sit there and wonder if I could really make this happen... if I should take this leap of faith or do something safer... more normal.

But you know what? We aren't meant to be normal, whatever that even means. And so I went for it.

Now I look back at that decision and I am so grateful for the opportunities and experiences my graphic tee shop has given me. Without this business, I would be spending way less time with my kids as they navigate the young adult years.

So if you ask me, I will tell you... seize this opportunity to change your life for the better. You never know what's coming around the bend, but there's one thing we do know:

Graphic tees, print, ecom are here to stay.

xo, Mae

Let's Fire up the Heat Press and roll up our custom embroidered sleeves for

Graphic Tee Academy

Start a graphic tee business you LOVE with the time-tested, step-by-step "business in a box" system for anyone who's ready to start their "tee-commerce" business.

  • 6 months Live training in the member support group Value: $1997

  • Choosing the right apparel for your designs Value: $997

  • Bringing your designs to life from start to finish Value: $997

  • Marketing & shipping your tees (including wholesale) Value: $2897

  • BONUS Expert advice Value: $697

  • BONUS Vendor lists Value: $197

  • BONUS Design bank Value: $497

  • BONUS 6 months of replays Value: $1997

TOTAL VALUE = $10276


Today's Price = ONLY $997

Payplans and PayPal available

Get Started For As Little As $97 (yeah seriously)

“Working together and seeing real people succeed has really inspired me.”

The most valuable for me has been the lives and the community. Working all together and seeing real people succeed has really inspired me. Also seeing Mae try uncomfortable things herself, pushes me to try them as well. Mae is a great mentor and we are all blessed to have her

Vanina Vazquez

Owner of the intentional shop

Graphic Tee Academy

For Support Issues or Questions, Please Email Us at [email protected]